Wisdom Articles Proverbs 18:2 Fools value their own opinion over truth have been wrong more times than I want to admit. Being wrong is embarrassing, but protecting ourselves by refusing to listen to and embrace truth is just stupid. Read more
Wisdom Articles Proverbs 4:18-19 The forces that motivate you will determine your destiny and legacy! Have you ever stopped to consider what motivates you? The answer to that question will ultimately determine your destiny and legacy! Read more
Wisdom Articles Psalms 5:11-12 The Secret Weapon Of Those That Trust The Lord Life is difficult. There are new challenges almost every day. Those who KNOW and trust the Lord have a secret weapon. Joy! Read more
Wisdom Articles Proverbs 2:3-5 God does not respond to passivity.. What do you want? Peace, joy, purpose, a fulfilling life? Though these may seem far away, you CAN have them and more, IF you want them badly enough to cry out to God! His promise is, "if you seek me, you WILL find me!" Read more
Wisdom Articles Proverbs 11:21 God protects the posterity of those that honor Him. WISDOM BUILDER ARTICLE Proverbs 11:21 A decision to honor the Lord and stand apart from the crowd produces generational rewards. The future of your children is hidden in the decisions you make today. Read more
Wisdom Articles Wisdom Builder Practice Track: Provers 12:25 Use this Track to help you to memorize the verse. Read more
Parable Power Studies Scripture Memorization Tips Here are some Scripture Memorization Tips to help you commit passages to memory. Read more
Wisdom Articles Proverbs 7:4-5 Forming a kinship with wisdom protects you from seduction How do you protect yourself from a seductress? First of all you must realize that the seductress is not a flesh and blood woman. She is a word that comes to appeal to your inner desires. Humans are vulnerable because we want things that we see, we covet many things that we don't posess and we want to demonstrate our worth to others. These desires make us easy prey for the seductress. She knows how to appeal to these desires. People who are devoid of wisdom and understanding cannot see the danger! This is why God begs us to form a close bond with Him and His word. He knows that it will protect us from the enticing trap of those who seek to seduce. We gain power to resist the seductress when we pursue God's wisdom on a daily basis. We must ask God to "Give us this day our daily bread (the ability to apply His word)". When we acquire wisdom and understanding, the words of the seductress fall on deaf ears! Read more
Wisdom Articles Proverbs 1:20-23 A voice is crying out to the naïve to turn, listen and become wise There is a voice crying out to the naive in the midst of all the Corona noise. A naive person is someone who lacks wisdom or the ability to judge prudently. This is the meaning of "simple" in this Proverb. What makes "simplicity" so tragic is the fact that "wisdom" continues to cry out to those that are in love with being "simple"! These verses highlight God's love for us, even in the midst of our stubborness. Many are so in love with "their own way", that even a life-changing pandemic is not enough to cause them to turn and listen to the voice of God. A naieve person can only be transformed when they choose to turn and consider that voice crying in the streets! Read more
Wisdom Articles Proverbs 8:11 The value of wisdom is far greater than rubies We are captivated by the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Wealth, fame, and power are magnetic and motivate the decisions and pursuits of men. However, there is something that is more valuable than all of the things on this earth that your heart may desire; wisdom. Why is that, you may ask. The pleasures and convenience's of wealth, fame and power are temporary. Wisdom will provide for you today and tomorrow! If you set your affections on things that are temporary, you will discover in time that you are unfulfilled. You have been designed for higher pursuits. True riches, joy and peace are found as you acquire wisdom. (see Colossians 1:1-3) Read more