Parable Power Studies The Palm Sunday Mysteries: The Mystery of the Day PARABLE POWER STUDY On April 6, AD 32, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a young donkey. He was presenting Himself as Israel's Messiah! BUT, they did not recognize that it was time for their "visitation". Why didn't they know that this very day was promised to them? Read more
Parable Power Studies The Triumphal Entry: A Living Parable PARABLE POWER STUDY On April 6, AD 32, Jesus, with much fanfare, rode into Jerusalem on a young donkey. Instead of telling a story, Jesus delivers a message "live" and in living color. Hidden in this humble donkey ride into Jerusalem are truths about who Jesus is, His mission, and the fulfillment of numerous prophecies, including a staggering 500-year-old prediction of when Israel's Messiah (Christ) would present Himself as King! There are blessings waiting for us as we discover these hidden treasures. Read more