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Parable Power Studies

Proverbs 12:18-19. Trusting the wrong words will injure you, but words of wisdom will heal you!

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me".  That famous quotation is wrong!  Words WILL hurt you if you assign value to the wrong ones!  What words are the wrong words?  Well, when people speak, preach, sing or otherwise communicate thoughts, ideas or philosophies which are contrary to truth and God established principles of life, there is the potential for you to be harmed!  Words that we accept frame the way we think!  How we think influences what we DO and SAY.  We are warned in verse 18 that when some people speak,  it is like swords piercing our body!  In other words, words can hurt us.  Here is the good news, "But the tongue of the wise promotes health".  You can choose to fill your life with words that injure you or words that make you healthy.  If you are healthy, your family will be healthy.  If you are wounded, your family and your community will suffer.  We need to ask ourselves, what do we love to listen to?  Are we hearing words that hurt or heal us?  We must choose to pursue wisdom or we will not know when we are being injured by someone's words.!  



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